Animal Welfare & Veterinary Care; AAALAC Accreditation



AAALAC Accreditation (Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International)

  1. Assist in AAALAC accreditation and re-accreditation: Generating and submitting Program Descriptions to AAALAC council

  2. Assist in establishing and maintaining IACUC committee (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee)

  3. Assist in establishing and maintaining Occupational and Safety Programs (biosafety, chemical safety, radiation safety and general safety)

  4. Semi-annual and annual facility and program inspection

  5. Enrichment program

  6. Primate study related products: toys, collar-pole system, restraining chairs


Veterinary Medicine and Animal Suppliers in China

  1. Connections with animal suppliers of non-human primate (NHP). dog, rabbit, guinea pig, and rodent suppliers in China; assist in acquiring NHP’s for China domestic and international needs

    Connections to all 25 NHP suppliers in China

  2. CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) application for the shipment of NHP and tissue/blood samples of NHP’s

  3. Standard laboratory animal feeds and beddings

  4. Surgical support

    Alliance with many veterinary surgeons in China providing services as follows (but not limited to): vascular catheters, non-vascular catheters, cardiovascular procedures, surgical models, ultrasound, telemetry, endoscopy, and hemodynamic data collection

  5. Animal caging system per AAALAC specifications

    Connections to various caging manufacturers in China

  6. China animal welfare





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